Motion Amplification Video

Motion Amplification Video

Motion Amplification Video (MAV) offers a solution to the pressing need for accessible and precise vibrational analysis tools across industries. Current methods are expensive and complex, often missing subtle vibrations. Industries like automotive, power plants, medical, and engineering require accurate vibration analysis, but existing solutions are cost-prohibitive. MAV technique processes video clips, amplifies motion details, and detects defects. Hosted on the cloud, it dramatically reduces costs to an affordable range and captures time waveforms and FFT spectrum for noise, vibration, and shock analysis. MAV empowers engineers to assess structural integrity effectively. In the automotive sector, it enhances safety and performance. In power plants, it monitors machinery vibrations, improving maintenance efficiency. In industrial facilities, it identifies structural issues for a safer work environment. In medicine, MAV offers a cost-effective, non-invasive method for heartbeat monitoring. Our cloud-powered MAV solution promises safety, efficiency, and reliability in these vital sectors.

Tech Stack: MERN Python TensorFlow AWS

Domain: Machine Learning, Computer Vision, Cloud Computing,Full Stack Web Development

Project Date: 22.09.2023